
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Orange Smoothie

We make smoothies almost every day and just sort of toss in whatever fruits and veggies we have, so when we saw a few smoothie recipes in my newly purchased cookbook  “Live Raw” by Mimi Kirk , we decided to give them a try.  The Orange Smoothie was our favorite, so light and fresh.  The only thing we did differently was to add Chia seeds for an extra protein kick.

Orange Smoothie (Live Raw CB by Mimi Kirk)
2            oranges, peeled and cut in quarters
7            kale leaves, stems removed (if you don’t have Kale, use spinach or romaine)
1.5         cups water or to your liking
1            green apple, cut in quarters
              hand full of berries
Add ice and blend in high-speed blender.
 ****  I used homemade Almond Milk which was little thicker and creamier than regular almond milk.

Banana Smoothie
2            bananas
4            stalks of celery
1            apple, cut in quarters
3            handfuls of spinach
1/2         cucumber, cut in half
1.5         cups water or to your liking
Add ice and blend in high-speed blender.

Pineapple Smoothie
1            cup pineapple  (we used frozen)
1            pint of berries   (we used strawberries and blueberries)
3            handfuls of your favorite dark greens
1-1.5      cups water to your liking
Add ice and blend in high-speed blender.


  1. The orange and pineapple smoothies sound great to me! I'm not a fan of celery, but otherwise I'd love the banana one, too. Thanks for sharing!

  2. The banana seems to dull the taste of the celery but you can always try a handful of Romaine instead. Glad you are back on the bloggin track!
